

The proposal lies within priority research & innovation topics in EU-Mediterranean cooperation, as highlighted in several past projects and policies recommendations, i.e. within the MOCO – Monitoring Committee for Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation in RTD. International Cluster Cooperation offers opportunities to scale up research and technological potential, enhance competitiveness, support the regional socio-economic development and reinforce the market placement of new, innovative products. These cooperation approaches often fail due to constraints on resources, capabilities, instruments and funding. On the other hand, over 2.000 Clusters only in the European Union covering all sectors and able to realize an intersectorial framework, as well as related clusters and networks in the southern Mediterranean countries, form a great potential for transnational clustering.

Project reference: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014
Date: 01/06/2015
Info: http://www.clusdev.eg.net/

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