

Circular economy applied to nitrate removal: hydrogen generation and waste recovery in drinking water.

LIFE ELEKTRA addresses the problem of nitrate pollution in surface and groundwater bodies that affects many member states. Nitrate excess in water is detrimental to both human health and ecosystems, making their removal a priority. The project focuses on the validation of electrochemical denitrification technology applied to the treatment of streams with high nitrate concentrations, transforming nitrates to nitrogen gas that is emitted into the atmosphere without impacting the environment. Concurrently, a high purity hydrogen stream is produced which will be used together with photovoltaic energy to power the process, contributing to the Green Deal and the new REPowerEU Plan. LIFE ELEKTRA contributes to the specific objectives of the “Circular Economy and Quality of Life” sub-programme, with the challenge of improving “Water quality and quantity” by implementing innovative technologies for the direct removal of pollutants in water in compliance with the Water Framework Directive and the Nitrates Directive, as well as the recovery of waste with a high content of ions obtained in the process. The project will address three case studies, located in Spain (Valencia and Canary Islands) and the Republic of Malta, each with different characteristics, but with the same challenge to address, the nitrate pollution.

REDINN in the LIFE ELEKTRA project Coordinates Communication Activities, Dissemination of Results, and Market Replicability


1- Celebrating the Kick – Off Meeting of LIFE ELEKTRA


Project reference: LIFE22-ENV-ES-LIFE-ELEKTRA/101113771
Date: 01/10/2023

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